Download Haryanvi gana mp3 Bijali chamki badal pataya barsan lagya pani
As we all haryanvi are fan of Haryanvi music so today we are going to share This great song with you which is based on great moment of a Haryanvi person in which singer explaining something about beauty of a lady and singer is comparing her with nature and Sharing there expression about that is that how and what happens when a girl seen in the corridor and what changes faced in climate....Now we have share the link of this great Haryanvi song above now we are going to sharing something about that how a writer feels when a girl passes through him and changes in nature in this great song bijali chamaki badal patya barsan lagya pani
he express that when she passes through the way of the poet Clouds were become un-controlled and started spraying water form the sky...
And after seeing all that poet also lost there control on himself..
Now above you have enjoyed this great song Bijali chamki badal pataya barsan lagya pani enjoy other great songs also at Haryanvi Songs