Download Main Choudhariwas chala hun baba ke darshan ko Haryanvi bhajan mp3
In this very great song which is in the form of Haryanvi bhajan of Panchmukhi bala ji....
In this Haryanvi bhajan expalining that he is going to Bala ji dham at Choudhariwas for making his wish and for asking to God for his bright future...In this very song he has expalined about a village which is in Hissar district named choudhariwas where is a great Bala ji panchmukhiji a great template which is very populer in over all Haryana and everyone wishes to visit there so today we are with this great bhajan explaining something about this template with the help of this great singer for that you have to download the song and aftter that feel the greatness of this great template which is at hissar Haryana....
enjoy mp3 version of this song and be with All Haryanvi Songs